On-site Visit to Hitachi

14 February 2017, 08:30 - 11:30

Hitachi Rail Europe Ltd, Newton Aycliffe Manufacturing Facility, Merchant Park, Millennium Way, Aycliffe Business Park, Newton Aycliffe, DL5 6UG.

This brand new rail vehicle manufacturing facility will open its doors to Forum Members for an exclusive on-site visit and tour behind the scenes at Hitachi Rail Europe, Newton Aycliffe.

Built and developed to roll out the DfT-led Intercity Express Programme, alongside future Hitachi Rail projects, 35 vehicles can be manufactured each month with production capability including high-speed trains, commuter trains and metro trains. With an £82m investment and the unit fully owned by Hitachi Rail Europe, the plant has created 730 new jobs, including a mix of skilled, semi-skilled, apprentice and graduate rolls, giving a much needed boost to employment in the local area.

Trains manufactured on-site will be in service from late 2017 in the UK and Europe but if you can’t wait until then to see them, make sure you book your space with us today.

Come and hear the story of Hitachi’s journey to the North East, what led them to invest in our region and what the future holds.

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