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Steve Pugh


Roadmap MBA






Steve is a Chartered Mechanical Engineer & Management Consultant with three Masters degrees including an International MBA and additional qualifications in Contract Law. Steve is working with one of Europe’s top investors, Topp Holdings, to create €100m - €1Bn businesses and founder of a startup providing FREE business education to people in 144 countries.

Our mission is making business education accessible for 5 billion people. For many years business education has been out of reach for regular people, particularly those from under-privileged and under-represented backgrounds. Nearly half the world’s population lives on less than $6 a day, making business education impossible to reach.

We believe that it shouldn’t matter where you grow up or what your financial background is on deciding if you can access information to help you build a better life for yourself. We have built something which gives the complete roadmap to grow your business or career as a low cost practical alternative to a traditional MBA.

We are on a mission to help people around the world build a better life for themselves, creating an accessible platform for communities to thrive and celebrate together. Users in 144 countries.



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