Things have been busy at the Forum. In the last 6 months we've been working hard behind the scenes to enhance the ways we can inspire, showcase and support you — our entrepreneurial community.
In February 2021, we invited you to share your views on the Forum and what we can do to strengthen your membership experience.
We've reviewed your feedback, while also considering wider trends in the business community. We’re excited to share that going forward, our programme of events and support will include many of the features you have been asking for... and a few more.
More opportunities to hear from inspirational speakers
Our next events programme focuses on sharing the inspirational stories of entrepreneurs from across the UK. Whether it's our new Spotlight Dinners or our relaunched ‘The Journey’ events (previously ‘Member Events), our focus is on providing a platform for inspirational speakers to share their stories in life and in business. See our upcoming events.
More choice and convenience in the next events programme, including the return of in-person events
From May, we'll be introducing more in-person events in our programme, along with many online events.
Regular communication with the EF team
We'll be checking in more often, with regular communication to find out how your business is growing and how we can best support you. We’ll be sending more reminders about upcoming events and opportunities and scheduling regular calls with you too.
An easier event booking system and streamlined event communications
We've been working with our tech partner Qrious to build a website with more personalisation and an easy event booking process. Our new website is now live and our members and partners will receive information on the new personalised member dashboard soon.
Regular opportunities to discuss key business topics
As part of our new events programme, we've developed four new insight groups, allowing you to gather with other members and share experience, news and expertise. These Insight Groups sit alongside our existing eCommerce Insight Group and are focused on the following topics: sustainability, finance, acquisition and business development. Save your seat at one of our upcoming Insight Groups.
More professional development and learning opportunities
As well as our webinars and series of exchange events, we've developed two leadership programmes designed to help you build your skills and achieve sustainable growth in your business: The Transformational Leadership Academy and the Digital Leader's Studio, delivered in association with Qrious.
Our Transformational Leadership Academy challenges the personal performance of ambitious business leaders, helping them to develop the skills needed to achieve long-term business growth, while our Digital Leader’s Studio supports SMEs to build the frameworks needed to compete and thrive in a fast changing digital-first landscape.
More opportunities to promote your business
We've developed several new ways for you to promote your business within the Forum network and further afield, from social media takeovers, newsletter features to promotional videos. There are more opportunities to promote your business than ever before, so we’ll be regularly reminding our members of upcoming opportunities throughout the year.
We're excited to finally bring these new ideas to fruition so that we can better support you and your growth ambitions. Thank you for being part of this new era of the Forum – we hope to see you at an event soon.