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Big Question: What's Been Your Greatest Moment of Success?

We asked - you answered!

As part of our Big Question feature, we asked four Forum members: what’s been your greatest moment of success?

Kieron Goldsborough, Narrative

Wow, what a question! I suppose considering this is for the Entrepreneurs' Forum it has to be business related, and not the time I won the egg and spoon race at Primary School.

That being the case I think it would have earlier this year when I realised we had made it out of the horror show that was 2020 with a business and a team that was in fact growing when it could have so easily gone the other way and if fact did for so many good companies.

As a business owner it’s sometimes difficult to take that step back and appreciate the distance travelled, or to celebrate the successes before moving on to the next thing, so thanks EF you’ve made me remember I was once a legend with an egg and a spoon.

Sean Costigan, Alpha Graphics

AlphaGraphics' greatest moment of success was pivoting the business and adapting to the needs of our customers when the pandemic hit.

Within two weeks of the UK’s first lockdown, we had set up an eCommerce store and began selling and printing social distancing stickers, banners and signage to help keep businesses, their staff, and customers safe during some of the most challenging times we have ever faced.

Within 12 months we turned over in excess of £1.5 million and helped over 5,000 businesses across all sectors. I’m still very proud of what our whole team achieved.

Rob Mathieson, ION Industries

My greatest moment of success was the day I walked into the first offices of ION and realised that I had managed to build a new business from scratch, on my own. It was a lonely place as I was the only one in there for 3 months, but it was also incredibly empowering.

Pete Lillie, Double A Side Consulting

10 years ago  I would have probably listed some business achievements when asked the question.

Now I think I would class my greatest success as being the able to better understand and appreciate what personal success looks like and recognise what a ‘win’ is.

Recognising that success is multifaceted and is very much driven by one’s own personal values and goals rather than outside influences and external benchmarks is key, this coupled with the realisation that motivation and energy are much more important factors in measurements of success than the number of hours spent doing something has given a better sense of perspective.

That said my athletics club did win the 2021 Division 2 (South) Championship this year so that’s up there 😊.



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