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Entrepreneurs’ Forum announces eighth partner

The Entrepreneurs' Forum has welcomed a new corporate partner, taking the number of businesses it is partnered with to eight.

Accountancy firm Blu Sky is the latest organisation to become a corporate partner of the Forum, joining Agilico, Hilton, Guerilla, LDC, Northumbria University, RBC Brewin Dolphin and Ward Hadaway.

As a corporate partner, Blu Sky will use its expertise to support Forum members and other entrepreneurial businesses to gain the necessary competence to grow their businesses.

The first of this support will be delivered on Thursday 15th February at a round table discussion led by Blu Sky on smart strategic planning.

Due to popularity, the discussion, which sold out in less than 24 hours, will be held again on Thursday 29th February in Darlington.

Jon Dudgeon, managing director of Blu Sky, said: "This year Blu Sky is celebrating our 15th year in business which makes it the perfect time for us to partner with the Entrepreneurs’ Forum. As members, we have enjoyed connecting with business leaders across the North East and hearing their success stories as well as their challenges.

“As a company, our mission is to support ambitious, busy entrepreneurs with the complexities that come with scaling a business. We look forward to doing more of this as partners of this brilliant community.”

Elaine Stroud, Chief Executive of the Entrepreneurs’ Forum, said: “We are delighted to welcome onboard Blu Sky as a corporate partner of the Forum.

“Our corporate partners play a vital role in our network, bringing specialist skills and knowledge to support and inspire over 340 North East entrepreneurs who make up the Forum’s membership.

“Funding and investment will be key in many of our entrepreneurs’ journeys and Blu Sky’s knowledge and expertise will play a crucial role in helping these businesses to achieve their growth ambitions.”

Founded in 2002, the Entrepreneurs’ Forum brings together North East business owners to share experience and help each other grow their companies faster.


To find out more about partnership opportunities with the Entrepreneurs' Forum please contact us at 


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