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Andy Briggs of IA Growth Completes North East Skinny Dip for Prostate Cancer UK

Andy Briggs, Director at IA Growth, recently stepped far outside his comfort zone by participating in the 12th annual North East Skinny Dip at Druridge Bay, raising vital funds for Prostate Cancer UK.

In a bold move inspired by his own encounter with prostate cancer, Andy joined over 1,000 other brave souls at sunrise on Sunday 29th September, embracing an unforgettable experience for a great cause.

Diagnosed and treated for prostate cancer five years ago, Andy has been cancer-free since. Motivated by his latest PSA test result eight weeks ago, he decided to challenge himself in a new way - to strip away both clothing and comfort in the name of charity and awareness.

"I wanted to do something that pushed me beyond my comfort zone and also encouraged people to support Prostate Cancer UK," said Andy, adding, “It’s not normal to take your clothes off in public and run around, especially here in the UK!”.

But Andy, along with friends Chris and Davy, arrived on the beach early Sunday morning to find an atmosphere far from uncomfortable. "The energy was amazing - friendly, welcoming and positive. People of all shapes, sizes, and ages were there, celebrating life," he said.

By the time the sun rose, Andy’s initial feelings of apprehension had vanished, replaced by a sense of belonging.

"No one was judging, no one was comparing. It was a community of like-minded, supportive people, and I’ll definitely be doing it again next year."

The North East Skinny Dip, which encourages participants to embrace freedom and nature, has become a powerful event to raise awareness for mental and physical health, as well as fundraise for causes like Prostate Cancer UK. Andy’s participation not only helped smash his initial fundraising target but also underscored his message of embracing life’s challenges, both big and small.

Andy concluded his experience with an important reminder: "Whatever challenges you face, whether in life or business, step outside your 'perceived' comfort zone, you’ll find another comfort zone filled with supportive people. And to all the men out there, get tested early. It could save your life."

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