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Investment readiness programme launched for growing businesses

Tees businesses are being supported in raising investment capital to fuel their growth plans as they look to seize the opportunities in a post-pandemic world.

The Tees Valley Pitch Perfect Investment Readiness Programme is delivered by a team of experienced investment professionals, helping businesses and the people behind them grow faster and further than they imagined possible.

The programme – delivered by the Tees Valley Business Hub and forms part of the Teesside University Grow Tees Valley project – will deliver one-on-one coaching and workshops in securing in-vestment, culminating in the opportunity to pitch to an audience of investors, who will include angel investors, venture capital figures and corporate investors.

Those who join the Pitch Perfect - Access to Finance Programme will get:

  • Hands on informative and engaging support from experienced investment professionals. ​
  • Improved access to finance. ​
  • To know what makes a successful investment pitch deck
  • An understanding of the overall finance and investment landscape. ​
  • Opportunity to develop your own personal skills, to enable you to build and deliver a compelling pitch. ​
  • Investor introductions

To find out more and to apply visit 


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