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Matthew Strain


Silva Lex




Matthew has worked in the professional industry for nearly 20 years, owning, running, and selling his own law firm.

He has also been involved in the formation and development of various tech businesses, some with ongoing interests and others which have led to successful sales.

Silva was founded on a simple ethos: quality service, quality advice.

Matthew has developed a new way of accessing legal and professional advice. He now focuses on supporting businesses from strategy through to day-to-day processes—so clients can concentrate on what they do best: their own businesses. All this comes with a legal perspective, offering value for money on a retainer model, covering everything from drafting and negotiating contracts to litigation.

His background in tech and manufacturing means he specializes in serving innovative and fast-moving clients. The client base is growing weekly, spanning varied areas, each with unique needs. Silva is committed to working with an innovative, tech-supported approach to each project.

Matthew is looking to grow Silva steadily with service in mind and make sure clients know how to purchase legal and professional services whilst receiving good value in return.


Legal Professional Mediation Strategy Contract

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