with Brewin Dolphin, Deloitte, Ward Hadaway and Ryecroft Glenton
21 May 2020, 14:00 - 15:00
Delivered via Zoom
Recent changes in the economy and markets will have a profound effect on the opportunities and challenges faced by entrepreneurs. One thing is for sure: old certainties and assumptions will be challenged and the rules of the game rewritten.
Chaired by Jonathan Lamb (Entrepreneurs' Forum), our panel includes Chris Black (Brewin Dolphin), Stephen Hall (Deloitte), Katherine Hay-Heddle (Ward Hadaway) and Nick Johnson (Ryecroft Glenton) who will discuss the likely major changes that will shape future business in the region.
The panel will be posing and discussing questions such as: What will society expect from a ‘good business’ in the future? Is there such a thing as long-term strategy anymore? How can I plan my personal finances with so much uncertainty? Is now a good time to invest? When is the right time to look at acquisitions, mergers and disposals? How can I make my supply chain more secure? and more.
Please note this event is hosted online via Zoom. Joining instructions will be sent to you before the event from a Forum team member.