with Gav Lowther, Visualsoft
1 December 2020, 14:00 - 15:00
Delivered via Zoom
Leading and managing remote teams may be new to many of us, but not at Visualsoft where a forward-thinking and innovative approach to remote working has been a major part of the business since 2014.
Having identified ‘key ingredients’ for maintaining a productive remote working team, Gavin Lowther (Head of Digital at Visualsoft) joins us to share his tips for successfully managing remote teams.
Exploring successful remote working strategies and best practice, Gavin will delve deeper into the creation and management of structured KPI's along with all the challenges involved - including difficult conversations and 1:1 agendas that align all employees to the organization's overall objective.
Gavin is Head of Digital at Visualsoft where he is responsible for all of Visualsoft’s digital marketing services, including commercial growth, efficiency, service levels and overarching strategy for the digital teams.