12 October 2022, 09:00 - 11:00
Samuel Knight International, Waterloo Square, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4DP
Our new Digital Transformation Insight Group is an opportunity for people working in organisations and businesses to come together and participate in topical discussions, and share ideas and challenges relating to technology, technology strategy and digital transformation.
Facilitated by Qrious and taking place every quarter, each session will focus on a current or emerging technology and its relevance to businesses or digital transformation strategies. Ultimately, however, the direction of the conversation will be shaped by the interests and views of participants.
Whatever your technology challenges, come along and share your experiences and learn more about how other businesses are using technology and how they managed to overcome the challenges you face!
Who is the Insight Group for?
The Group is open to both Forum members and non-members and will be particularly relevant to technology, operations, finance, customer services and customer experience (CX) leaders who want to improve how technology is used to transform customer experiences, operational performance and profitability.
The Small Print If you aren’t a member of the Entrepreneurs' Forum please book a non-member ticket using the 'Save My Seat' button.