EF News

View Our First Online-Only Events Programme

We're excited to unveil our first online-only events programme designed to inspire, inform, and unite the North East’s business community.

To view the events programme as a PDF click here.

Business strategy for the new era, managing staff during uncertain times and digital transformation are among the themes of key events being delivered in the programme.

Covering January to March 2021, the programme includes webinars, panel discussions, social events, round tables and exchange events all designed to inform and unite the North East’s business community. 

Jonathan Lamb, chief executive of the Entrepreneurs’ Forum said: “We’ve been listening to, and focusing on, the needs of our members and partners and have developed our January to March programme to offer advice, support and inspiration to our members as we head into 2021.

“It’s been a tricky start to the year for many, but our members have shown that taking a couple of hours of their business and working on it with their peers is a great way to spark new ideas, discover innovative business solutions and make useful new connections. 

“The events planned for January to March will help our members plan for the months ahead, placing emphasis on innovation, investment and leadership. Our focus now is on delivering these events to the highest calibre while also planning our April – July events programme.” 

To see all upcoming events, visit: https://entrepreneursforum.net/events



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