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A NORTH East law firm is extending its services to companies and organisations by offering a 24 hour support helpline for their employees.

Sunderland-based Richard Reed Solicitors launched its RR Protect a few years ago, a dedicated employment law protection scheme to help support organisations should they need practical help and advice in dealing with employment law and HR matters.

The success of that scheme led to the addition of even more services, including a cloud-based HR system to help businesses manage their personnel records.

And now the firm is adding another vital string to its bow, with the launch of an Employee Assistance Helpline which will gives employees access to professional and confidential counselling services 24/7.

Richard Reed has joined forces with employee health specialists, BHSF, to offer this additional service to clients which they in turn can offer to their staff.

“The mental health and wellbeing of employees is essential to any business,” said Employment Law & Dispute Resolution Solicitor, Kat Moody.

“But if they don’t have anyone to turn to when they are in difficulties or someone to talk to confidentially, it can take a huge toll on not just their personal lives but also their performance at work.

“The Employment Assistance Programme gives staff access to trained counsellors whenever they need it.”

Kat said the service is not only vital for the individuals but will also benefit the company itself.

“Creating a happier workforce will not only be better for productivity but will also help reduce absenteeism,” she said.

“We believe this will be an extremely useful service for any business which has staff, regardless of size.”

All of the counsellors are accredited by the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) and work within the framework of its code of ethics and are trained to help with issues including stress, anxiety, depression, family and relationship issues, bereavement or financial difficulties.

For further information on the scheme visit


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