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North East business coach sees surge in growth

North East business coaching firm Kinnery has seen its turnover increase by almost 50% in the past year, as more entrepreneurs, CEOs and company leaders seek guidance on how to scale up during challenging times.

Kinnery’s year-on-year turnover was up 43%, driven by the desire of local business leaders to invest in the future growth potential of their firms.  

The boost comes as the firm nears its 18th birthday, having been established by multi-accredited business coach, Ian Kinnery, in April 2005.

Ian said: “The year on year figure is great, but for me, success is judged on the number of people within the companies I work with that I have helped. How many families have benefited from a more certain future because of the work I am doing with their leadership team?

“There aren’t many business coaches that have been around for 18 years and I’m proud to have been able to help so many businesses grow both personally and professionally in that time.”

Ian’s expertise lies in providing business owners with the advice, support and practical steps needed to enable sustainable growth and he is currently guiding the sixth cohort of business leaders as part of the Entrepreneurs’ Forum Scale Up Leader’s Academy.

The Academy is designed for leaders of already established, businesses who have ambitions to scale up more quickly and safely, taking them through a mix of six coached events, some group workshops and mentoring sessions.

Ian is also working alongside both the North East and Tees Valley Local Enterprise Partnerships to deliver workshops to business leaders and entrepreneurs that focus on improving resilience, maintaining a positive mindset and how to be successful in these dramatically changing times.

He said: “One of the biggest challenges for leaders in 2023 is managing through difficult and changing times, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t a great time to scale up for those that are willing to learn how.”

For more information about Ian’s coaching services, visit, or to hear from him in person, secure your place at the North East Growth Hub workshop by visiting



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