Member News

Start your journey to Net Zero with Peer Networks

Tees Valley SMEs can now join forces with other local business leaders to support each other on your journey to Net Zero.

Through Tees Valley Business’s free Peer Networks programme you can join group sessions led by an expert facilitator and be supported to;

  • Set and commit to carbon targets
  • Measure and reduce emissions
  • Adapt your business strategy
  • Lead on climate change
  • Futureproof your business

Be part of the solution! Find out more and apply to Tees Valley Business’s Net Zero cohort led by Teesside University, starting on 8th November:

Peer Networks is fully-funded for any SME business trading in the Tees Valley area that has operated for at least one year, has at least five employees, and has a turnover over £100,000 (based on pre-pandemic figures).


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