Member News

Tees Valley Workforce Skills Survey

Do you have ideas on what adult skills provision is needed locally?

Take the Tees Valley Workforce Skills Survey and help ensure businesses like yours have access to a readily available skilled workforce. 

Tees Valley Combined Authority is seeking input from local businesses to help inform the commissioning of future adult skills programmes, so that this provision directly meets the skills needs of businesses like yours.

TVCA is committed to ensuring that:

  • Every business has access to a readily available skilled workforce and knows where to go to find the workforce they need
  • Every business has access to workforce development and skills support, to sustain and grow their business
  • There are clear, accessible and appropriate training routes for priority and growth sectors

Your responses and feedback to the questions set out in this survey are vitally important to our region and the sustained growth of our local economy – don’t miss this opportunity to have your say and help shape our future workforce.

Click here to take the survey.

Don’t forget to share with your network!

If you would like more information, or to arrange an appointment with a Business Solutions advisor, you can contact 


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